Websupport's services live in a climate-positive data center!
Green, greener, Websupport! As a step toward a more climate-positive web hosting, we have moved into EcoDataCenter, which is powered 100% by renewable energy.
EcoDataCenter – The world’s first climate-positive data center
Since 2021, we have our services at the climate-positive data center EcoDataCenter. The facility in Falun is built entirely of wood and is powered 100% by renewable electricity. The heat generated is utilized by municipally owned Falu Energi & Vatten and is used there either directly for heating or for drying biofuel. A completely unique solution that makes the data center really climate-smart.
This means that everyone who has their website at Websupport has a climate-positive website in the second tier.

Sustainability is not just about taking care of the environment
Sustainability for us is not just about taking care of the environment. For us, it is also important that we take care of our employees in the best way and be an attractive employer. We want our employees to reflect society at large, which includes being equal between the sexes but also that we work for diversity in many aspects, such as ethnicity.
Recycled hardware
In the technology industry, it is difficult to dodge the fact that hardware needs to be upgraded and replaced to keep up with the rapid development. Therefore, our goal is to recycle or reuse all our hardware. It can be anything from servers to computers to monitors.
Show the world your website is environmentally friendly!
Get your very own Green Hosting badge from The Green Web Foundation and show your visitors that your website is environmentally friendly!