Create professional email addresses
Create your own professional email addresses in a few easy steps.
Email at Websupport
- 25 GB email storage
- 5 email addresses
- Unlimited amount of email aliases
- Webmail
- Auto-responses
- Antispam and antivirus
- Website in WordPress
49 kr
/ month
with VAT 61,25 kr
Web hosting with e-mail
- Up to 200 GB email storage
- Unlimited amount of email addresses
- Unlimited amount of email aliases
- Webmail
- Auto-responses
- Antispam and antivirus
- Website in WordPress
with VAT 123.75 kr
99 kr
/ month
Feel safe with antivirus and spam filters
At Websupport, your email is automatically protected against viruses and spam so you can always feel safe.
How can we help you?
Contact our knowledgeable, friendly support staff seven days a week by phone, chat or email.